Obesity is a problem that is growing at an alarming rate affecting many people and it is also a factor that leads to other serious conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. Treatments can include prescription weight loss medication, over the counter supplements, or both.
Weight loss medication when combined with regular exercise and a reduced calorie diet can help with weight loss. Different medications affect the body differently. Some reduce the appetite making a person feel full, while others speed up the metabolism and burn fat, or even all three combined.
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Prescription weight loss medication should be used only by those that have an increased risk of another medical condition because of a weight problem and they should be used only under the direction of a physician. They should not be used for cosmetic weight loss such as losing 10 pounds. Prescription weight loss medicine has been approved for use on individuals with a BMI that is above 30 or for those that have a BMI of 27 combined with obesity related conditions. Side effects from prescription weight loss medications are generally mild however as with any medication there is the potential for serious side effects. You will need to discuss all of your options with your doctor.
For those that are not in need of medical intervention for weight loss but are looking for a cosmetic change in their weight, there are many over the counter products which will do the job. Choose wisely as some are more hype than effective. As with prescription medications many reduce the appetite while increasing metabolism and burns fat.
Some products contain ephedrine, ephedra, and caffeine and the safety of these drugs is still unknown. There have been reports that link these compounds to stroke, heart attack, and seizure that can result in death. Some countries have banned the use of ephedrine and ephedra. When using ephedrine or caffeine based products always make sure that you are over 18, do not have any heart problems such as high blood pressure and that you are not pregnant or lactating. It is important to always use caution when starting a new weight loss supplement and remember that even though it is over the counter it is still potent.
With so many products out in the market place, there are many which do not help with weight loss. So here are just a few that appear to be showing promising results.
o Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA has been involved in several studies and has been found to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle tissue and reduce the risk of cancer.
o Derived from a fruit, Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA inhibits an enzyme that converts carbohydrates to fat and it also suppresses the appetite. There have been mixed results in studies. It is recommended that a diet lower in fiber will give better results.
o Derived from the white kidney bean Phaseolamine works by reducing the amount of starchy carbohydrates that the body absorbs which means you absorb fewer calories to help with weight loss. Studies have shown as much as 10% body fat loss in 30 days.
o 5HTP (5-Hydroxy-tryptophan) increases serotonin levels in the brain which result in weight loss, improved sleep and better mood. Studies have shown it is an excellent appetite suppressant and results in excellent weight loss over a 6 week period. Most users were happy while they lost their weight thanks to its mood enhancing abilities.
o L-carnitine is an amino acid which has been shown to encourage the body to burn stored fats for fuel/energy instead of carbohydrates. Very effective when taken before exercise.
The quest for the perfect body will never end and thus a multi billion dollar industry will continue to flourish. Healthy weight loss can be achieved by including exercise and good nutrition with the right weight loss medication or supplement. It's important for a person to find the best combination for their personal situation.
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