Weight loss does not happen in a vacuum. There are conditions that impelled it. Without weight gain, there will not be a discussion about weight loss. A good starting point in the desire to loose weight is to first figure out where we went wrong. Is it in our diet? Is it in not moving enough? How much of a roll does genetics play in our weight loss? The individual desiring to loose weight must of necessity ask oneself some of these questions and honestly seek to find proven and tested answers.
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Where did I go wrong?
Much of America as we know today is overweight. Some reports say a whooping 2/3 of the population is either just obese or morbidly obese. They also show that our food and diet are the main culprits for this epidemic. There is a saying that says, "You are what you eat". It is therefore self evident that we have not eaten the right things in the right amounts. We have been lax with our diet. Knowing this, it would appear that losing weight would be as simple as doing the opposite of what we have done so far. And for many, weight loss would simply mean just that- eating the right things in the right amount and being patient to give the body time to work itself out. And over time, the weight will drop off.
But we live in a complex world and things are not always as simple as they seem. There are old habits to break, and emotions to deal with. There is the issue of time, and availability of the right foods at the right place and time. There are genetic dispositions that sometimes work against our best efforts in weight loss. There is also the noise in the diet and weight loss industry generated by the dizzying number of weight loss products and the claims and counter claims made by the beneficiaries of these weight loss products and programs. The individual desiring to loose weight is therefore faced not only with the weight that he or she needs to loose, but how to approach his or her weight loose goal within such a confusing environment?
The trick is to get back to the basics of weight loss by:
1. Doing all things in moderation. I believe that nothing eaten in moderation will in and of itself become a problem. It is when we over indulge and make a hobby of some foods that we open ourselves for weight problems.
2. Making wise food choices. Instead of loading up on over processed foods laden with sugar, fat and carbohydrates, we can instead load up on foods with high fiber contents as these give a sense of fullness with minimal intake.
3. Drinking sugar free liquids in-between bite as this helps to give us that sense of fullness, without necessarily consuming much.
4. Not being a mindless eater. Mindless eating can be avoided by being aware of what you are eating and how much. Make it a habit to use smaller plates for your servings. Chew your food completely and quit at the first sign of fullness.
5. Ridding your environment of the temptation of mindless eating. According to a recent survey by a popular media house, just by merely moving the candy jar a few feet away from its location, reduced the amount of candy the participants consumed.
6. Only stocking foods that are nutritionally healthy and balanced.
7. Getting enough sleep and
8. Keeping on moving. Be active! Inject some exercise activities into your routine. Activities as simple as just working are very beneficial. Walk to the neighborhood store. Park a little away from the office and walk the rest of the way.
For the morbidly obese, who need to lose more weight, additional help may be necessary. Getting a health or colon cleanse would be a good place to start. The colon, it has been established plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy digestive system and body functions. A toxic and diseased colon creates an imbalance in the body, leading to increased fat deposits, especially around the organs. A health or colon cleanse helps to remove toxins from the body and restores the normal functions of the digestive track and colon, leading to better absorption and removal of fat deposits, especially around the organs.
Weight loss surgery may also be considered where everything else fails. Because of the risk associated with surgeries generally, bariatrics or weight loss surgery should be considered with extreme care. A complete risk benefit analysis must be carried out before a final decision is made. Choose the procedure with the list risk and the most benefits.
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